Interface Cursorable

All Known Implementing Classes:
LwLink, LwSplitPan, LwTextField, LwWindow, LwGridCaption

public interface Cursorable

This interface is used to provide cursor supporting for a lightweight component. Every lightweight component that implements the interface has to provide a cursor type information that will be used with lightweight cursor manager. For example if you want to change cursor type for your lightweight component, just implement the interface and return appropriate cursor type by getCursorType method of the interface.

Method Summary
 int getCursorType(LwComponent target, int x, int y)
          Gets the cursor type for the specified location of the given component.

Method Detail


public int getCursorType(LwComponent target,
                         int x,
                         int y)
Gets the cursor type for the specified location of the given component. It is supposed to use set of cursors that is provided with java.awt.Cursor class.
target - the given component.
x - the x coordinate of the location.
y - the y coordinate of the location.
a cursor type.

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