Package org.zaval.lw.event

Different events related to the light weight components.


Interface Summary
LwActionListener This listener interface for receiving action events.
LwChildrenListener The interface should be implemented by the components that want to listen children events.
LwComponentListener This listener interface for receiving light weight component events.
LwContainerListener This listener interface for receiving light weight container events.
LwFocusListener This listener interface for receiving light weight focus events.
LwKeyListener This is listener interface to receive light weight key events.
LwMouseListener This is listener interface to receive light weight mouse events.
LwMouseMotionListener This is listener interface to receive light weight mouse motion events.
LwTrackerListener This listener interface for receiving tracker events.
LwWinListener This listener interface for receiving light weight window events.

Class Summary
LwActionEvent This class represents action event.
LwActionSupport This is a utility class that can be used by a class that generates LwActionEvent to support list of LwActionListener classes.
LwAWTEvent This class is basic for all light weight events.
LwComponentEvent This class is used with light weight components to notify when a component has been shown, hidden, disabled or enabled.
LwComponentSupport This is a utility class that can be used by a class that generates LwComponentEvent to support list of LwComponentListener classes.
LwContainerEvent This class is used with light weight containers to notify when a component has been added to the conatiner or removed from the container.
LwContainerSupport This is a utility class that can be used by a class that generates LwContainerEvent to support list of LwContainerListener classes.
LwEventManager This is one of the core classes of the light weight library that is used to define light weight events delivering strategy.
LwFocusEvent This class is used with light weight components to notify when a component gots or losts focus.
LwFocusSupport This is a utility class that can be used by a class that generates LwFocusEvent to support list of LwFocusListener classes.
LwKeyEvent This class is used with light weight components to describe keyboard events.
LwKeySupport This is a utility class that can be used by a class that generates LwKeyEvent to support list of LwKeyListener classes.
LwMouseEvent This class is used with light weight components to describe mouse events.
LwMouseMotionEvent This class is used with light weight components to describe mouse motion events.
LwMouseMotionSupport This is a utility class that can be used by a class that generates LwMouseMotionEvent to support list of LwMouseMotionListener classes.
LwMouseSupport This is a utility class that can be used by a class that generates LwMouseEvent to support list of LwMouseListener classes.
LwTrackerEvent This class represents tracker event.
LwWinEvent This class is used with light weight components to notify when a window component has been opened, closed, activated or deactivated.
LwWinSupport This is a utility class that can be used by a class that generates LwWinEvent to support list of LwWinListener classes.

Package org.zaval.lw.event Description

Different events related to the light weight components.

Copyright © Zaval Creative Engineering Group, 2000-2005.