Uses of Interface

Packages that use LwComponent
org.zaval.lw This is basic package of the light weight library. 
org.zaval.lw.event Different events related to the light weight components. 
org.zaval.lw.grid This is set of classes to implement the light weight grid and tree grid components. 
org.zaval.lw.mask This is set of classes to implement masked text field component. 
org.zaval.lw.tree This is set of classes to implement the light weight tree component. 

Uses of LwComponent in org.zaval.lw

Subinterfaces of LwComponent in org.zaval.lw
 interface LwComposite
          This interface provides ability for a container to control child input events component delivery.
 interface LwContainer
          This interface defines light weight container that inherits the LwComponent interface and can contain other light weight components as child components.
 interface LwDesktop
          This interface is top-level container for all other lightweight components.
 interface LwLayer
          This layer interface is a special container that is used as the LwDesktop children.

Classes in org.zaval.lw that implement LwComponent
 class LwActContainer
          This class can be used for creating light weight containers that: Wants to have focus. Has a special child component that can be selected with rectangle frame if the container has focus (use setAsFocusComponent method to define the child component.
 class LwBaseLayer
          This layer class is basic implementation of the layer interface
 class LwBlankDialog
          This class is "template" window component that can be used as the dialog window with the different content.
 class LwBorderPan
          This is lightweight component that can be used to organize border panel.
 class LwButton
          This is button component, that is a composite component, so it is possible to use any other component as the button label.
 class LwCanvas
          This is basic implemenation of the light weight component interface that should be used to develop own light weight component.
 class LwCheckbox
          The class represents a switching GUI componenent that can have one of two states: "on" or "off".
 class LwColorPanel
          This panel provides ability to cutomize color using different ways : By the specifying RGB color components in the text fields. By the specifying RGB color components using sliders. By the selecting one of the predefined color.
 class LwCombo
          This is combobox component.
 class LwComboList
          This is list component that is supposed to be used as the list of the combobox component.
 class LwFilePanel
 class LwFontPanel
 class LwImage
          This light weight component is used to show an image.
 class LwLabel
          This light weight component is used to show a text by using LwTextRender as the face view.
 class LwLine
 class LwLink
          This component is something like text links that are used by "html".
 class LwList
          This is list component.
 class LwMenu
 class LwMenuBar
 class LwMenuButton
 class LwNotebook
          This is notebook container.
 class LwPanel
          This is implementation of the light weight container interface that has to be used to develop own light weight containers.
 class LwPopupLayer
 class LwProgress
          This is progress bar light weight component that can be used to display progress status for some processes.
 class LwRoot
          This class is a root light weight component that implements LwDesktop interface.
 class LwScroll
          This is scrollbar component.
 class LwScrollPan
          This is scroll panel component.
 class LwSlider
          This is slider component that can be used to select a value from the specified integer interval.
 class LwSpeedButton
          This is state button component that allows to customize acceleration for repeatable action event generation.
 class LwSpin
          This is spin light weight component that can be used to input a bound integer value.
 class LwSplitPan
          This split panel component is used to divide the container area into two resizeable areas.
 class LwStatusBar
          This is status bar light weight component.
 class LwStButton
          This is state button component.
 class LwTextField
          This class is a text field component.
 class LwTracker
          This is tracker component.
 class LwWindow
          This class is window lightweight component that can be used as a desktop window.
 class LwWinLayer
          This is housekeeping layer implementation that is used by LwRoot class as the internal windows container.

Fields in org.zaval.lw declared as LwComponent
protected  LwComponent LwCanvas.parent
          The component parent.

Methods in org.zaval.lw that return LwComponent
 LwComponent LwCanvas.getLwComponentAt(int xx, int yy)
          Determines if the component or an immediate child component contains the (xx, yy) location in its visible part and if so, returns the component.
 LwComponent LwCanvas.getLwParent()
          Gets the lightweight parent of this component.
 LwComponent LwPanel.getLwComponentAt(int xx, int yy)
          Determines if the component or an immediate child component contains the (xx, yy) location in its visible part and if so, returns the component.
 LwComponent LwActContainer.getFocusComponent()
          Gets the child component that is used to indicate whenever the component has focus.
 LwComponent LwRoot.getLwParent()
          Gets the lightweight parent of this component.
 LwComponent LwRoot.getLwComponentAt(int x, int y)
 LwComponent LwCheckbox.getBox()
          Gets the component that is used as a the box component with the component.
 LwComponent LwComponent.getLwComponentAt(int x, int y)
          Determines if the component or an immediate child component contains the (x, y) location in its visible part and if so, returns the component.
 LwComponent LwComponent.getLwParent()
          Gets the lightweight parent of this component.
static LwComponent LwTooltipMan.createTooltip(java.lang.String text)
          Creates and returns a tooltip component by the given label.
 LwComponent LwSplitPan.getGripper()
          Gets the component that has been laid as the gripper.
 LwComponent LwList.getSelected()
          Gets the selected item component.
 LwComponent LwWindow.getTitlePanel()
 LwComponent LwBaseLayer.getFocusRoot()
 LwComponent LwBlankDialog.getContent()
          Gets the content component.
 LwComponent LwTracker.getTooltip(int x, int y)
static LwComponent LwToolkit.getDirectChild(LwComponent parent, LwComponent child)
          Returns the immediate child component for the parent and child.
 LwComponent LwLayer.getFocusRoot()
          Gets if the focus root component.
 LwComponent TooltipInfo.getTooltip(int x, int y)
          Returns a component that should be used as a tooltip for the specified location of a target component.
 LwComponent LwWinLayer.getLwComponentAt(int x, int y)
 LwComponent LwWinLayer.getActive()
 LwComponent LwWinLayer.getFocusRoot()
 LwComponent LwFocusManager.findFocusable(LwComponent c)
          Looks for a component that can be the focus owner starting from the specified component.
 LwComponent LwFocusManager.getFocusOwner()
          Gets the focus owner component.

Methods in org.zaval.lw with parameters of type LwComponent
 void LwCanvas.setLwParent(LwComponent o)
          Sets the lightweight parent of this component.
 void LwPanel.add(java.lang.Object s, LwComponent c)
          Adds the specified lightweight component with the specified constraints as a child of this container.
 void LwPanel.add(LwComponent c)
          Adds the specified lightweight component as a child of this container.
 void LwPanel.insert(int i, LwComponent d)
          Inserts the specified lightweight component as a child of this container at the specified position in the container list.
 void LwPanel.insert(int i, java.lang.Object s, LwComponent d)
          Inserts the specified lightweight component with the specified constraints as a child of this container at the specified position in the container list.
 void LwPanel.remove(LwComponent c)
          Removes the specified component from this container.
 int LwPanel.indexOf(LwComponent c)
          Searches the specified component among this container children and returns an index of the component in the child list.
 void LwPanel.toFront(LwComponent c)
          Sets the specified child component to be painted over other child components.
 void LwCombo.insert(int index, java.lang.Object constr, LwComponent c)
 boolean LwCombo.catchInput(LwComponent child)
 boolean LwActContainer.catchInput(LwComponent child)
 void LwRoot.setLwParent(LwComponent p)
          Sets the lightweight parent of this component.
 void LwRoot.add(LwComponent c)
 void LwRoot.add(java.lang.Object s, LwComponent c)
 void LwRoot.insert(int i, java.lang.Object s, LwComponent d)
 int LwRoot.indexOf(LwComponent c)
 void LwPaintManager.repaint(LwComponent c)
          Repaints the specified light weight component.
 void LwPaintManager.repaint(LwComponent c, int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Repaints a part of the specified light weight component.
protected  void LwPaintManager.rootPaint(java.awt.Graphics g, LwComponent c)
          The method initiates painting process for the specified root light weight component using the graphics.
 void LwPaintManager.paint(java.awt.Graphics g, LwComponent c)
          The method initiates painting process for the specified light weight component using the graphics.
protected abstract  void LwPaintManager.updateComponent(java.awt.Graphics g, LwComponent c)
          The method is called to update the specified component.
protected abstract  void LwPaintManager.paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics g, LwComponent c)
          The method is called to paint the specified component.
protected  void LwPaintManImpl.rootPaint(java.awt.Graphics g, LwComponent c)
          The method initiates painting process for the specified root light weight component using the graphics.
protected  void LwPaintManImpl.updateComponent(java.awt.Graphics g, LwComponent c)
          The method is called to update the specified component.
protected  void LwPaintManImpl.paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics g, LwComponent c)
          The method is called to paint the specified component.
 void LwPopupManager.setPopup(LwComponent c, java.lang.Object p)
          Binds the specified pop up menu with the given light weight component.
abstract  void LwPopupManager.showPopup(LwComponent target, int x, int y, java.lang.Object popup)
          Shows the specified popup menu for the target light weight component at the given location.
 void AWTPopupManager.showPopup(LwComponent target, int x, int y, java.lang.Object popup)
 void LwCheckbox.setBox(LwComponent b)
          Sets the specified component as the box component.
 boolean LwComposite.catchInput(LwComponent child)
          Checks if input events for the specified child component should be caught.
 void LwNotebook.addPage(java.lang.String title, LwComponent c)
          Adds the page with the specified title.
 void LwNotebook.addPage(LwView v, LwComponent c)
          Adds the specified component as the notebook page and sets the specified view as.
 int LwLink.getCursorType(LwComponent target, int x, int y)
          Gets the cursor type.
 int LwTextField.getCursorType(LwComponent target, int x, int y)
          Gets the cursor type for the specified location of the given component.
 void LwCursorManager.setCursorable(LwComponent target, Cursorable c)
          Sets the specified cursorable interface for the given component.
 Cursorable LwCursorManager.getCursorable(LwComponent target)
          Gets the current cursorable interface for the given component.
 void LwComponent.setLwParent(LwComponent p)
          Sets the lightweight parent of this component.
 void LwTooltipMan.removeTooltipInfo(LwComponent c)
          Removes a tooltip info interface for the given component, so it no longer show tooltips.
 void LwTooltipMan.setTooltipInfo(LwComponent c, TooltipInfo t)
          Sets the specified tooltip info interface for the given component.
 int LwSplitPan.getCursorType(LwComponent target, int x, int y)
 boolean LwSplitPan.catchInput(LwComponent child)
 boolean LwList.catchInput(LwComponent child)
 void LwList.insert(int i, java.lang.Object s, LwComponent d)
 boolean LwComboList.catchInput(LwComponent child)
 void LwMenu.setSubMenu(LwComponent comp, LwMenu menu)
 LwMenu LwMenu.getSubMenu(LwComponent item)
 void LwWindow.setIcon(LwComponent i)
          Sets the specified component as the window icon.
 int LwWindow.getCursorType(LwComponent target, int x, int y)
 boolean LwWindow.catchInput(LwComponent c)
 void LwStatusBar.insert(int i, java.lang.Object s, LwComponent d)
 void LwTracker.setTooltip(int index, LwComponent c)
          Sets the given component as tooltip for the specified bundle.
 int Cursorable.getCursorType(LwComponent target, int x, int y)
          Gets the cursor type for the specified location of the given component.
static void LwToolkit.drawXORLine(LwComponent target, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
          Draws line using XOR mode.
static void LwToolkit.drawXORRect(LwComponent target, int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Draws rectangle using XOR mode.
static void LwToolkit.fillXORRect(LwComponent target, int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Fills the rectangle using XOR mode.
static LwDesktop LwToolkit.getDesktop(LwComponent c)
          Gets a desktop container for the specified component.
static LwComponent LwToolkit.getDirectChild(LwComponent parent, LwComponent child)
          Returns the immediate child component for the parent and child.
static boolean LwToolkit.isAncestorOf(LwComponent p, LwComponent c)
          Checks if the component is contained in the component hierarchy of this container.
static java.awt.Point LwToolkit.getAbsLocation(int x, int y, LwComponent c)
          Returns an absolute location for the given relative location of the component.
static java.awt.Point LwToolkit.getAbsLocation(LwComponent c)
          Returns an absolute location of the component.
static java.awt.Point LwToolkit.getRelLocation(int x, int y, LwComponent c)
          Returns a relative location for the specified absolute location relatively the light weight component.
static java.awt.Point LwToolkit.getRelLocation(int x, int y, LwComponent target, LwComponent c)
          Returns a relative location for the specified target location relatively the light weight component.
static java.awt.Point LwToolkit.calcOrigin(int x, int y, int w, int h, LwComponent target)
          Calculates and gets origin for the specified area of the component.
static java.awt.Point LwToolkit.calcOrigin(int x, int y, int w, int h, int px, int py, LwComponent target)
          Calculates and gets origin for the specified area of the component relatively the specified previous origin.
static java.awt.Point LwToolkit.calcOrigin(int x, int y, int w, int h, int px, int py, LwComponent target, java.awt.Insets i)
          Calculates and gets origin for the specified area of the component relatively the specified previous origin.
static java.awt.Graphics LwToolkit.getGraphics(LwComponent c)
          Gets a graphics context for the specified lightweight component.
static java.awt.Graphics LwToolkit.getGraphics(LwComponent c, int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Gets a graphics context for the specified area of the lightweight component.
 void LwMenuBar.insert(int index, java.lang.Object constr, LwComponent c)
 void LwWinLayer.add(LwComponent c, LwWinListener l, java.lang.Integer type)
          Adds the new window with the specified window listener and the given window type.
 void LwWinLayer.activate(LwComponent c)
          Activates (deactivates) the specified window.
 void LwFocusManager.requestFocus(LwComponent c)
          Requests the input focus for the specified component.
 LwComponent LwFocusManager.findFocusable(LwComponent c)
          Looks for a component that can be the focus owner starting from the specified component.
 boolean LwFocusManager.hasFocus(LwComponent c)
          Tests if the specified component has the focus.
protected  boolean LwFocusManager.isFocusable(LwComponent c)
          Tests if the component can have the focus.
 void LwContainer.add(LwComponent c)
          Adds the specified lightweight component as a child of this container.
 void LwContainer.add(java.lang.Object s, LwComponent c)
          Adds the specified lightweight component with the specified constraints as a child of this container.
 void LwContainer.insert(int i, java.lang.Object s, LwComponent c)
          Inserts the specified lightweight component with the specified constraints as a child of this container at the specified position in the container list.
 int LwContainer.indexOf(LwComponent c)
          Searches the specified component among this container children and returns an index of the component in the child list.

Constructors in org.zaval.lw with parameters of type LwComponent
LwCompRender(LwComponent c)
          Constructs the render with the specified target light weight component.
LwActContainer(LwComponent t)
          Constructs the container with the specified child component.
LwCheckbox(LwComponent c, int type)
          Constructs a checkbox component with the specified component as a label and the given box view type.
LwBorderPan(LwComponent title, LwComponent center)
          Constructs a new border panel with the specified title component and center component.
LwSplitPan(LwComponent f, LwComponent s)
          Constructs a split panel with the specified child components for the two splitter areas.
LwSplitPan(LwComponent f, LwComponent s, int o)
          Constructs a split panel with the specified child components for the two splitter areas and the given splitter type.
LwButton(LwComponent t)
          Constructs a button component with the specified component as a label.
LwScrollPan(LwComponent c)
          Constructs a scroll panel component with the specified child component to be scrolled.
LwScrollPan(LwComponent c, int barMask)
          Constructs a scroll panel component with the specified child component to be scrolled and the given scroll bar mask.
LwBlankDialog(LwComponent content)
          Constructs the window with the specified content component.

Uses of LwComponent in org.zaval.lw.event

Methods in org.zaval.lw.event that return LwComponent
 LwComponent LwAWTEvent.getLwComponent()
          Gets the source object of the event as LwComponent instance.
 LwComponent LwEventManager.getEventDestination(LwComponent target)
          Gets the event destination.

Methods in org.zaval.lw.event with parameters of type LwComponent
 void LwMouseEvent.reset(LwComponent target, int id, int ax, int ay, int mask, int clickCount)
 LwComponent LwEventManager.getEventDestination(LwComponent target)
          Gets the event destination.
 void LwKeyEvent.reset(LwComponent target, int id, int code, char ch, int mask)

Constructors in org.zaval.lw.event with parameters of type LwComponent
LwAWTEvent(LwComponent target, int id)
          Constructs an event object with the specified source object and the event id.
LwMouseEvent(LwComponent target, int id, int ax, int ay, int mask, int clickCount)
          Constructs the event object with the specified source object, the event id, the absolute mouse pointer location, mask and click count.
LwContainerEvent(LwComponent target, LwContainer p, int id)
          Constructs the event object with the specified source object, the parent container and the event id.
LwComponentEvent(LwComponent target, int id)
          Constructs the event object with the specified source object and the event id.
LwMouseMotionEvent(LwComponent target, int id, int ax, int ay, int mask)
          Constructs the event object with the specified source object, the event id, the absolute mouse pointer location and mask.
LwTrackerEvent(LwComponent target, int bi, int bv, int obv, int id)
          Constructs the event object with the specified source object, the bundle index, the bundle value, the bundle previous value an the event id.
LwWinEvent(LwComponent win, int id)
          Constructs the event object with the specified source object and the event id.
LwFocusEvent(LwComponent target, int id)
          Constructs the event object with the specified source object and the event id.
LwKeyEvent(LwComponent target, int id, int code, char ch, int mask)
          Constructs the event object with the specified source object, the event id, the key code associated with the key, the character that has been typed with the key and the mask that describes state of a keyboard.

Uses of LwComponent in org.zaval.lw.grid

Classes in org.zaval.lw.grid that implement LwComponent
 class LwGrid
          This is light weight grid component.
 class LwGridCaption
          This component is used as the top grid component caption with a custom views.
 class LwTreeGrid
          This is light weight tree grid component.

Methods in org.zaval.lw.grid that return LwComponent
 LwComponent LwGrid.getTopCaption()
          Gets the grid top caption component.
 LwComponent LwEditorProvider.getEditor(int row, int col, java.lang.Object o)
          Gets the editor component for the specified cell and the given data model value.
 LwComponent LwDefEditors.getEditor(int row, int col, java.lang.Object o)
          Gets the editor component for the specified cell and the given data model value.

Methods in org.zaval.lw.grid with parameters of type LwComponent
 int LwGridCaption.getCursorType(LwComponent target, int x, int y)
 boolean LwTreeGrid.catchInput(LwComponent child)
 java.lang.Object LwEditorProvider.fetchEditedValue(int row, int col, LwComponent c)
          Fetches the value from the editor component of the specified cell.
 java.lang.Object LwDefEditors.fetchEditedValue(int row, int col, LwComponent editor)
          Fetches the value from the editor component of the specified cell.

Uses of LwComponent in org.zaval.lw.mask

Classes in org.zaval.lw.mask that implement LwComponent
 class LwMaskTextField
          This is masked text field lightweight component that is supposed to be used for masked input.

Uses of LwComponent in org.zaval.lw.tree

Classes in org.zaval.lw.tree that implement LwComponent
 class LwTree
          This is tree view component.

Copyright © Zaval Creative Engineering Group, 2000-2005.